Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Anna University Chennai B.E Anna university-PH 2111-ENGINEERING PHYSICS-I 2010 Question paper


PART A-(10*2=20MARKS)

1.What is cavitation?

2.What is sonogram?

3.What are different methods of achieving population inversion?

4.Distinguish between homo junction and hetero-junction semiconductor lasers.

5.A signal of 100 mW is injected into fiber. The out coming signal from the other end is 40 mW.
Find the loss in dB?

6.What is meant by splicing in fiber optics?

7.Calculate the equivalent wavelength of electrons moving with velocity of 3*10^7 m/s.

8.What is Compton effect?Write an expression for the Compton wavelength.

9.For a cubic crystal draw the planes with Miller indies(110) and(001).

10.What are Frenkly Schhottky imperfections?


11.(a)(i)Explain how ultrasonic can be produced by using magnetostriction method.(12)
(ii)Write any four applications of ultrasonic waves (4)
(b)In ultrasonic NDT what are the three different scan displays in common use? Explain (10+6)

12.(a)For atomic transitions, derive Einstein relations and hence deduce the expression for the ratio of spontaneous emission rate to the stimulated emission rate.
(b)What is holography?Describe the construction and reconstruction methods of a hologram.(4+6+6)

13.(a)(i)How are fibers classified?Explain the classification in detail.(8)
(ii)Explain double crucible method of fiber manufacturing.(8)
(b)(i)Explain the construction and working of displacement and temperature fiber optic sensors (5+5)
(ii)Explain the construction and working of fiber-optic medical endoscope.(6)

14.(a)(i)Write a note on black body radiation.
(ii)Derive Planck's law radiation.
(b)(i)What is the principle of electron microscopy? Compare it wroth optical microscope. (4)
(ii)With schematic diagram explain the construction and working of scanning electron microscope. (12)

15.(a)(i)Explain the terms:atomic radius, coordination number and packing factor.(6)
(ii)Show that the packing factor for Face Centered Cubic and Hexagonal Closed Packed stuctures are equal . (10)
(b)(i)What are Miller in dices?Explain. (4)
(ii)Derive an expression for the inter planar spacing for(hkl) planes of a cubic
(iii)Calculate the inter planar for the spacing for(101) plane in a simple cubic crystal whose lattice constant is 0.42nm. (2)

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