Term-End Examination
June, 2009
Time : 3 hours
Maximum marks: 100
Note : Answer any five of the following questions in about
500 words each. Select at least two questions from
each section. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Critically discuss the concept of 'middle class'.
Review the process of the rise of middle class in India. 20
2. Dr. Ambedkar was of the view that caste is a system of division of labours. Comment. 20
3. What is a 'descent group' ? Show how the descent theory contributes to the understanding of kinship system in India ? 20
4. Describe the contribution of village studies to the development of sociology as a discipline in India. 20
5. Discuss the functionalist perspective on the family. Show how it differs from the cultural perspective ? 20
6. What is a 'peasant movement'? Is the Naxalite movement an instance of a peasant movement? Discuss. 20
7. How are social movements related to social Conflict ? Discuss. 20
8. 'Globalization leads to homogenization of Cultures'. Discuss. 20
9. Bring cut the critical differences in the debate between G S Ghurye and Verrier Elwin on the tribes of India. 20
10. Write short notes on any two of the following in About 250 words each: 10+10
(a) Secularism in India
(b) Hinduization of tribes
(c) Urbanism
(d) Circulatory Migration
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