Code No: 32
Time: 3hours
Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal Marks
1. a)Explain the OSI reference model in detail.
b) Explain about ARPANET.
2. a) Explain the design issues of the Data link layer in detail.
b) Explain about twisted pair transmission Media.
3. a) What is the difference between virtual circuit subnet and datagram subnet?
b) Explain about CSMA protocols.
4. a) Explain the various classes of IP addresses.
b) Explain the shortest path Routing Algorithm.
5. a) Explain the TCP transmission policy.
b) Compare TCP protocol with UDP.
6. a) Explain the HTTP protocol.
b) Explain the SIP protocol.
7. a) Compare symmetric key Algorithms with public key Algorithms.
b) Explain the RSA Algorithm.
8. a) Explain about Mobile code security.
b) Explain the PGP.
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