Code No: 22004
Time: 3hours
Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal Marks
1. Explain clearly about the various DIVISION SECTIONS & PARAGRAPHS in the development of COBOL Programs.
2. a) What are the techniques for improving program design?
b) Give the coding requirements of the Identification division with relevant example.
3. What are the sections of DATA DIVISION? Explain in detail about the file section of the DATA DIVISION.
4. Write and explain the formats of PERFORM verb and also explain how the PERFORM verb can be used to process a single – dimensional table.
5. a) What are intrinsic functions? Give an example.
b) Explain about complex conditions and compound conditions.
6. Describe OCCURS clause & explain how an OCCURS clause can be used for table handling.
7. Explain how indexed disk file will be processed in COBOL. List out any five differences between Sequential, Indexed, and Relative file organization.
8. Write short notes on the following
a) COPY & CALL Statements
b) STRING & UNSTRING Statements
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