Code No: 32005
Time: 3hours
Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal Marks
1. a) Explain about Sequential control verbs.
b) Using a PERFORM statement with a time option, write a routine to find N factorial, where N is some given positive integer.
2. Describe the following
a) Rename clause
b) Redefines clause
c) Synchronized clause
3. Write a Cobol program to implement whether a number is a prime number or not.
4. Write and syntax form for the following and explain their use with examples
a) Search and Set verbs
b) Picture clause
c) Examine
d) Inspect
e) Sort
5. Discuss why file of data on magnetic tapes are maintained? Explain in detail the procedure used for updating tape file.
6. a) Discuss the Multiple – level control breaks.
b) Discuss the Nested PERFORM varying statements.
7. a) Explain with examples, the IF Statement using
i) Sign condition
ii) Class condition
iii) Condition name condition
b) Write a Cobol program for Merge Sort.
8. Write short notes on
a) Report footing & Page footing
b) Indexed files
c) Environment division
d) Nonnumeric and Alpha Numeric
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