Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Anna University Chennai B.E Computer Science and Engineering B.E/B.Tech Degree Examination, April/May 2010, CS 1020 - Software Quality Management (Regulation 2004) 2010 Question paper

PART A- (10x2= 20 marks)

1. Draw the schematic hierarchial view of software quality.

2. Give a short note on Boehm model.

3. What is SVV and SQA? Draw its relation.

4. What is Quality software Assurance?

5. List out the Ishikawa's seven basic tools.

6. Define Fagen and Jone's error detection and defect removal efficiency.

7. What are the five extra activities of QIP involved?

8. Write briefly on the logistic model for customer satisfaction analysis.

9. Draw the graph for capability maturity model.

10. What is the role of CMM?

PART B-(5x16= 80 marks)

11.(a) Explain the software quality and various views on quality with a neat diagram.


(b) What are the functions worked on metrics recently? Explain them.

12.(a) Explain the Quality Metrics in detail.


(b) What does Software audit review mean? Discuss the objectives and participants.

13.(a) Explain Rayleigh model in detail.


(b) Describe how literature review is done.

14.(a) What is Cyclomatic complexity? Explain how it is used in deriving the logical complexity of a program.


(b) Explain Structure metrics in detail.

15.(a) What are the different contents of standard? Discuss.


(b) How do you improve the software quality? Explain the method.

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