Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Post Graduate Diploma Computer Application Alagappa university - distance education p.g.d.c.a. (ns) examination, may 2010. vb & oracle Question paper

VB & ORACLE (2000 onwards)

Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks

Examiner has to select TWO questions.
ONE from ORACLE and another from VISUAL BASIC
Each question carries 50 marks.
Questions are to be given to the candidates by lot system.


1. Create a table for electricity Bill with the following fields:
Customer Name, Customer Code, Previous month reading, Current Month Reading and Number of Unit, unit cost and amount
The traffic as follows:
Unit consumed Rate/Unit
1-50 Rs. 1.20
51-100 Rs. 2.25
101-150 Rs. 3.00
Above 151 Rs. 4.00
Write SQL commands to do the following :
(a) Enter 10 records
(b) Display data sorted by customer code
(c) list data depending up the sorted customer name
(d) update the amount field with number of unit and unit cost.

2. Create the table for student mark list preparations system as following as
(a) Student Register Number
(b) Student Name
(c) Course
(d) Different 3 Subject Marks
(e) Total
(f) Average
(g) Result
(h) Class
Write SQL commands to do the following :
(a) To enter the 10 records
(b) List the highest and lowest mark list
(c) Display the data sorted by the student register number
(d) Update the average with total/3
(e) Update result with each subject carries above 35
(f) Update the class as your own conditions.

3. Create the table for supermarket bill preparations system as following as
(a) Customer Name
(b) Item Name
(c) Cost
(d) Number of items
(e) Amount
(f) date
Write SQL commands to do the following :
(a) To display data on the date
(b) To display data on the customer name
(c) To display high amount and lowest bill
(d) Update the amount with cost * number of items
(e) To list the data with item name

4. Create the table for student mark list preparations system as following as :
(a) Student Register Number
(b) Student Name
(c) Course
(d) Different 3 Subject Marks
(e) Total
(f) Average
(g) result
Write SQL commands to do the following :
(a) To display the data sorted by student register number
(b) Find the largest total and lowest total value to display it
(c) To list the average with above 60 marks
(d) To list the data with only result = 'PASS'
(e) Display data sorted by course

5. Create the table for invoice bill preparations system as following as :
(a) Item name
(b) Item code
(c) Opening Balance
(d) Receipts
(e) Issue
(f) Closing Balance
Write SQL commands to do the following:
(a) To list the data with item name
(b) To list the data with item code
(c) To display the greatest and latest closing balance
(d) To sort the item name and display it
(e) To list the receipts with greatest 500


6. Create a VB form that should display "Welcome to Alagappa University" when clicked on the display button and should clears the text in text box when clicked on the clear button, it should exist the form when clicked on the exit button.

7. Using Ms Flex grid control, display the multiplication and addition table of 20 rows and columns.

8. Develop a data report using employee table with the following :
(a) Display all the employee details
(b) Display all the employee details in each department and display total salary in each department
(c) Display all the employee details which starts with the employee name specified in text box.

9. Write a VB project to display the sum of even number from 1 to n according to your choice.

10. Write a VB project with necessary controls for getting student information like roll no, name and Percentage. Display the grade using Msg Box.
Grade is fixed as follows :
If percentage >=75 Distinction
Percentage >=60 and <75 1 Class Percentage >=50 and <60 II Class Percentage >=40 and <50 111 Class

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