Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Annamalai University B.A. Degree Examination, 2010 - Public Administration - Third Year - Part - III - Paper - IV - Modern Governments Question paper

( PART - III )
( PAPER - IV )
( Including Double Degree )

May ] [ Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks

Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks. (5 × 20 = 100)

1. Describe the various types of constitutions.

2. Discuss the features of Parliamentary and Presidential forms of Government and their merits and demerits.

3. Describe the salient features of the British Constitution.

4. Discuss the powers and functions of the British Prime Minister.

5. Explain the method of election of the President of America and discuss his powers.

6. Bring out the Jurisdiction and role of the Supreme Court of USA.

7. Discuss the salient features of the Constitution of Fifth Republic of France.

8. Examine the process of law making in France.

9. Explain the nature of Swiss Plural Executive.

10. Discuss the organization, powers and functions of the Swiss Federal Assembly.

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