Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Post Graduate Diploma Computer Application ALAGAPPA UNIVERSITY - DISTANCE EDUCATION P.G.D.C.A. (Non-Semester) EXAMINATION, MAY 2010. PROGRAMMING IN C/C++ Question paper

PROGRAMMING IN C/C++ (2000 onwards)

Time : Three hours
Maximum : 100 marks

Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. (a) What is the syntax for developing C program.
(b) What is function libraries? Give example.

2. (a) How can you write comments in C and C++ programs?
(b) Explain the data types in C.

3. (a) Describe the putchar() and getchar() functions with example.
(b) Explain the output format specifications.

4. (a) What is Function? Explain with example.
(b) Describe the increment and decrement operators.

5. (a) Describe the decision control statements, with example.
(b) Explain about jumping out of a loop with example.

6. (a) Write a program to find sum of N elements using array.
(b) How can you compare two strings? Give example.

7. (a) What is pointer? Explain the usage of pointers.
(b) Define structure. How can you initialize values to structure?

8. (a) How can you read and write a disk file? Give example.
(b) Explain with syntax, for declaring and opening a file.

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