Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Annamalai University B.A Population Studies B.A. Degree Examination, 2010 (Population Studies) (Third Year) (Part –III: Paper-VIII) Nutrition And Health Management Question paper


May) (Time: 3 Hours
Maximum: 100 Marks

Answer any FIVE questions (5×20=100)
All questions carry equal marks

1. Define Public Health and discuss its role in preventing communicable diseases.

2. What are the components of MCH program and its services with reference to India?

3. What are the steps to be taken to provide proper means of waste disposals for protecting environment?

4. Define 'Health Education' and explain its scope and principles.

5. Bring out clearly the relation between nutrition and health.

6. Explain the various nutritional deficiency diseases.

7. What measures do you suggest to overcome malnutrition?

8. Give an account of the implementation of school lunch programme in Tamilnadu.

9. Describe the organizational set up of primary health centre.

10. Write short notes on any 'Four' of the following
a) Functions of PHC medical officer
b) Pre-school feeding progammes
c) Industrial Health and hygiene
d) Personal hygiene
e) Fats and disease

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