Wednesday, December 8, 2010


Time : 3 hours
Max. : 100 marks

Answer All Questions
Sketch wherever necessary

PART – A (10 x 2 = 20 marks)

What were the climate conscious factors considered in the built forms of ancient River valley civilizations?

2. What are the different shading devices used to protect openings in external walls?

3. Differentiate between external, internal and ventilation load of heat gain or loss in a building.

4. What is a Day light Factor? What are the three components that contribute to the DF?

5. What is a Flatplate collector? How do you use the Flatplate collector to heat the space as well as water?

6. Differentiate between Direct gain, Indirect gain and Isolated gain in Passive Solar heating.

7. Explain with a sketch, the function of a Solar Chimney.

8. How do you heat a space using a Solarium?

9. What are the differences between evaporative cooling and nocturnal radiation cooling?

10. How does ‘Wind brakes’ and ‘shelter belts’ improve micro climate of a site?

PART –B (5 x 16 = 80 marks)

11. Illustrate a traditional and a modern building in any climate zone known to you and explain the Energy Efficient features adopted in both.

12.a) What is “Time Lag” and “Decrement factor”? How will you calculate both for a concrete roof finished on top by solar tiles with aircavity and at bottom with Gypsum plaster? Explain in detail.


12.b) How will you calculate the diurnal cycle of Internal Surface Temperature for a critical month and how will you evaluate the thermal performance of a RCC roof finished suitably?

13.a) Explain in detail with a sketch the function and design of a Mass Trombe Wall for both winter and summer conditions.


13.b) How does both heating and cooling can be achieved by
i. Roofing Pond ii. Earth bern.

14.a) How does a “Wind Tower” and “ Earth Air Tunnel” can cool the interior of a living space in Hot Dry climate?


14.b) Write briefly on the following
i. Photo Voltaics, its advantages and limitations
ii. Induced Ventilation

15.a) What are the design guidelines to be adopted for making a building site.
a) Warmer. b) Cooler.


15.b) How does Landscape, both hard and soft can improve the micro climate of site with buildings in Hot and cold conditions?

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