Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Annamalai University B.A. Degree Examination, 2010 - English - Second Year - Part - III - Paper - III - Poetry Question paper

( PART - III )
[( Common to B.A. English & Communication & Double Degree )]
May ] [ Time : 3 Hours
Maximum : 100 Marks

SECTION - A ( 5 × 4 = 20)
I. Annotate any FIVE of the following :
1. Bitter constraint, and sad occasion dear, Compels me to disturb your season due; For Lycidas is dead ....... ..
2. But O! what art can teach, What human voice can reach, The sacred organ's praise ?
3. O Sylvan Wye ! thou wanderer through the woods, How often has my spirit turned to thee!
4. Was it a vision, or a watering dream ? Fled is that music : Do I wake or sleep?
5. I fall upon the thorns of life ! I bleed! A heavy weight of hours has chained, and bowed One too like thee : tameless, and swift, and proud.
6. ..... Notice Neptune, though, Taming a sea horse, thought a rarity, Which claus of Innsbruck cast in bronze for me !
7. Wipe your hands across your mouth, and laugh, The worlds revolve like ancient woman Gathering fuel in vacant lots.
8. All changed, changed utterly : A terrible beauty is born.
9. And some cease feeling Even themelves or for themselves. Dullness best solves The tease and oubling of shelling.
10. He was fully sensible to the advantages of the installment plan And had everything necessary to the modern man, A photograph, a radio, a car and a frigidaire.

SECTION - B ( 1 × 20 = 20)
II. Answer any ONE of the following :
1. Critically evaluate the theme and form of Shakespeare's Sonnet No. 29.
2. Consider Lycidas as a pastoral elegy.
3. A song for St. Cecilia 's Day is a Perfect Pindaric Ode. - Substantiate.
4. Record Wordsworth's philosophic musings as recorded in Tintern Abbey.
5. Consider Ode to a Nightingale as a typical Romantic Ode.

SECTION - C ( 1 × 20 = 20)
III. Answer any ONE of the following :
1. How does Shelley externalizes his inner struggle to overcome the odds of life in his Ode to the West Wind?
2. Consider My Last Duchess as a dramatic Monologue.
3. Treat Tithonus as a powerful exhibition of emotions.
4. How does Eliot 's Prelude present themes like ugliness, poverty and hardship ?
5. How does Auden criticize the 'robot-like' behaviour of the common man in his The Unknown Citizen ?

SECTION - D ( 1 × 20 = 20)
IV. Answer any ONE of the following :
1. Bring out the metaphysical traits in the prescribed sonnet of Donne.
2. How does Pope satirize the efforts of budding poets who strive to achieve fame ?
3. How does Collin's prove himself as a pre-romantic poet through his Ode to the Evening ?
4. Bring out Coleridge's visions as you find in Kubla Khan.
5. Consider the autobiographical elements in Francis Thompson 's The Hound of Heaven.

SECTION - E ( 1 × 20 = 20)
V. Attempt any ONE of the following :
1. How does De La Mare describe his dream world Arabia ?
2. Describe the experience of a dying solider as presented in Sasson 's The Death Bed.
3. Attempt a critique of The Poet by Cecil Day Lewis.
4. Record Dylan Thomas' experiences on his Thirtieth birthday as you find in Poem in October.
5. How does A Poison Tree by William Blake become a psychological examination of the evil effects of suppressed anger ?

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