Friday, December 3, 2010


Code No: 25

Time: 3hours

Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal Marks

1. Briefly describe features of Indian English.

2. Discuss the various functions of communication in business.

3. (a) Kinesics has its pivotal role in communication – explain.
(b) Discuss the factors that contribute to poor listening.

4. Explain the process of an interview in brief and the different styles in interviews.

5. What is written communication and write about the salient features, advantages and limitations of written communication.

6. Elucidate the principles involved in writing a good business letter.

7. Fantasy Garments Corporation wants to open a new garment branch in a metropolitan city for all age groups, ranging from formals to casuals. You, as the
Sales Manager of the company, have to prepare a report on the set-up of the new showroom. Write a report on the same.

8. A. Choose the substitute of the underlined phrase/ idiom.

1. The result of the examination dashed my hopes.
(a) frustrate (b) kill someone (c) failed (d) bring great happiness

2. He chose the path of religion of his own accord.
(a) forcibly (b) helplessly (c) willingly (d) half heartedly

3. My father did not know that his brother would tread on his heels.
(a) follow closely after (b) stab him in the back
(c) oppose him immediately (d) support him blindly

4. It is evident from the minister’s statement that heads will roll.
(a) transfers will take place (b) people will die
(c) dismisses will occur (d) heads will have to repent

5. He has some hazy ideas about life.
(a) masculine ideas (b) vulgar ideas (c) confused (d) hazardous

6. No one knew what to say, but at last I broke the ice.
(a) to state quarrelling (b) to crack the ice
(c) to start a conversation (d) to end the hostility

B. Write one word substitutes for the following.

1) Fear of heights
2) Custom of having more than one wife at the same time
3) Information of death given in news papers with a brief history
4) One who has an irresistible tendency to steal
5) Study of insects
6) Move quickly to and fro

C. Frame meaningful sentences from the following jumbled words.

1. school last walked every We to day week.
2. at for It weekend five rained the hours.
3. I’ll before I thirty I’m think get don’t married.
4. Spain you with Did grandparents in your stay
5. me homework Susan helps my never with.
6. at to medicine I’m university study going

D. Complete each sentence by choosing the correct homophone.

1. They sat under the ______ (pear/pare/pare) tree in the garden.
2. Scientists _______ (warn/worn) that further extremely high winds are likely.
3. She stroked the rabbit's soft _______ (fir/fur)
4. Chickens, turkeys and pheasants are all examples of _______ (foul/fowl)
5. A flag fluttered from a forty-foot _______. (poll/pole)
6. On the beach the letter______ (blew/blue) away and I had to run after it.

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