Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad MCA-V Semester Supplementary Examinations July/August 2010 SOFTWARE TESTING METHODOLOGIES Question paper

Code No: 57

Time: 3hours Max.Marks:60

Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal Marks

1.a) What is meant by a Test Design? Explain the goals of Software testing.
b) With a neat illustration explain a model for testing.

2.a) Explain the various kinds of loops and show how loop testing is performed.
b) Explain the steps involved in heuristic procedures for sensitizing paths.

3.a) Clearly explain the various steps involved in transaction-flow testing techniques.
b) Compare and contrast static and dynamic anomaly detection.

4.a) Enumerate the various ugly domains with suitable examples.
b) Explain the terms related to domain testing:
i) Domains ii) Paths
iii) Predicates iv) Domain dimensionality

5.a) Explain the algorithm with an example, how a flowgraph is reduced into a path
b) Write about the flow anomaly detection.

6.a) Describe the use of decision tables in performing the logic-based testing.
b) Explain clearly the testability tips for logic-based testing.

7.a) Write about the following:
i) States ii) State graphs iii) State tables
b) Explain with suitable examples the good and bad state graphs.

8.a) What is Graph matrix? Explain how graph matrices are helpful in software testing.
b) Explain how matrix representation in software is done.

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