Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad III-I B.Pharmacy I Semester Supplementary Examinations, November 2009 Question paper

Code No : NR


Time : 3 Hours Max.Marks : 80

Answer any FIVE questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. a) Describe the metabolism of Gluconeogenesis ?
b) What is Glycosuria. Explain it ?

2. a) Describe the metabolism of tyrosine and tryptophan.
b) Write note on Polyamines.

3. a) Describe the Cholesterol metabolism process.
b) Write short notes on Phospholipids.

4. a) Why does metabolism need enzymes ?
b) What are the various factors which affect the enzyme catalyzed reaction ?

5. a) Explain the principle and procedure for the estimation of SGPT and mention its significance
b) Write the significance of qualitative analysis of blood.

6. Explain about following tests.
• Glucose Oxidase test.
• Rothera's test.
• Hay's test.
• Fouchet's test.

7. a) What are the major functions of minerals in the body.
b) Give an account of bio-chemical role in our body.

8. a) Explain the mechanism of Oxidative phophorylation.
b) Mention the inhibitors of Oxidative phophorylation and ETC.

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