Tuesday, November 23, 2010

B.Pharm Jawaharlal Nehru Technological university, Hyderabad II B.Phamacy I Semester November 2009 organic Chemistry Exam Question paper

Code No : R7-212


Time :3Hours Max.Marks:80

Answer any Five questions.
All questions carry equal marks.

1. a) Write a note on Chichibabin reaction.
b) Give the resonance structures of pyridines.
c) Explain the following reactions
i) Riemer-Tiemann reaction of pyrrole.
ii) Birch reduction of thiophene.

2. a) Give the two general methods of preparation of imidazole.
b) Write about electrophilic substitution reactions of imidazole.

3. a) Explain the following terms
i) Diasteromers
ii) Mesomers.
iii) Enantiomers.
iv) Chiral center
b) Differentiate stereo selectivity from stereo specific reaction.

4. How will you convert
a) Glucose into mannose.
b) Aldose into aldonic acid.
c) Galactose to galactidol.
d) Aldose into aldaric acid.

5. a) Define the term amino acids and classify them based on their chemical nature.
b) Describe the acid-base properties of amino acids.

6. a) Write about analysis of oils and fats.
b) Give the significance of hardening of oils and oxidation-polymerization of oils.

7. a) Explain the preparation of xanthine derivatives by Traubes method.
b) Define the following terms
i) Nucleic acids.
ii) Nucleosides.
iii) Nucleotides.

8. a) Name the reaction involved in the conversion of amide into amine and give its reaction mechanism.
b) Enlist the synthetic importance of Michael addition reaction.

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