Code No: 21006
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:30
Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal Marks
1. Comment on the following usages:
a) Cousin Sister
b) Bio-data
c) Revert back
d) Good and bad
e) Match-fixing
2. What are the features and functions of downward communication and upward communication?
3. What are the merits of intensive reading and extensive reading?
4. Why is video conferring more effective than teleconferencing?
5.a) What are the different answering techniques in an interview?
b) How do you prepare for a telephonic interview?
6.a) Explain why effective communication skills are relevant for good leadership.
b) What is the relevance of interpersonal communication in making communication effective?
7.a) What is meant by an inter office memorandum? What is its importance in an
b) Draft a memo asking the employees to use water sparingly during summer as there is likely to be a scarcity.
8.a) What are the chief characteristics of a technical report?
b) What are the different types and sources of information for writing a report?
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