Code No: 21002
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:60
Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal Marks
1.a) Bring out the differences between debentures and shares.
b) Explain the components of financial accounting and book-keeping.
2. Explain the concept of Optimization. Discuss the various approaches of Optimization.
3. Show that the principle of 'Equi-marginalism' is an extension of the condition of
equilibrium of a consumer.
4. Define demand forecasting. Explain the survey techniques of demand forecasting.
5. Discuss and illustrate production with two variable inputs.
6. What is cost? What is the necessity of cost analysis in production?
7. List the various types of price discrimination. Explain the degree of price
8. Explain the social function of profit. Could it help to develop to firms Performance?
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