Code No: 53
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:60
Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal Marks
1.a) What are the principles of modeling?
b) Explain Modeling systems architecture with a neat diagram.
2.a) What are the different kinds of relationships? Explain with examples.
b) Clearly bring out the difference between structural diagrams and behavioral diagrams.
3. Explain class diagrams and object diagrams with examples.
4.a) What is the purpose of Interaction diagrams?
b) What is the difference between Forward and Reverse engineering?
5.a) Write a notes on Activity diagrams.
b) Draw the Activity diagram for the following case:
A person buys a plot and constructs a house in it.
6.a) Define Event and Signal.
b) Explain synchronization concept in processes and Threads.
c) Write short notes on State chart diagrams.
7.a) What are the differences between nodes and components?
b) Write notes on organizing nodes and connections.
c) Briefly explain Component diagrams with examples.
8. Draw the necessary UML diagrams for the following case:
A student borrowing a book from the university library.
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