Code No: 12009
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:60
Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal Marks
1. What is QCC? Where it was coined first? How it facilitates the organization in achieving quality in production?
2. Write short notes on:
a) Cause of arousal
b) Cause of intentions.
3. Define the heredity and environment. How do heredity and environment influences the growth and development of an individual?
4. What is a group discussion making? Discuss the Delphi method of decision making what are the advantages of it?
5. a) Why is it necessary for a leader to form cross functional teams in an organization?
b) What are your views regarding involving the experts from other organizations to form teams in an organization?
6. a) What is the graphical relationship between 'stress' and 'performance'?
b) What are the physiological, emotional and behavioral effects of stress?
7. a) What are the various types of negotiations?
b) What are the role mediations in the process of negotiation?
8. a) Define OD.
b) What are the main conditions necessary for the successful use of OD in an organization?
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