Code No: 27
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:60
Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal Marks
1.a. Explain how the MIS function grows in an organization.
b. Write short Notes on any TWO of the following:
i) Application Packages
ii) Outsourcing
iii) Prototype.
2. Explain briefly system development life cycle.
3. How much importance should be accorded to Implementation phase as a part of the total MIS development activity? Explain.
4. What is a Malware? Distinguish between Virus, Worm, Trojan Horse and Spy ware.
5. Explain Disaster Recovery Planning and Business Continuity Planning.
6. Discuss the working of a typical manufacturing organization. Is it fundamentally different from a service organization? Compare and contrast.
7.a. Explain briefly any four modules of ERP
b. What are the four benefits of ERP? Discuss
8. Give a case study of your choice and explain what the problem was and what the solution was before and after implementing ERP.
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