Code No: 22004
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:60
Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal Marks
1. What is meant by 'competitive strategy'? List the important characteristics that a
company chooses to emphasize to have competitive advantage.
2. Describe the various steps involved in process design. Mention the inputs and
outputs of process design.
3. What is the effect of technology on physical layout? Discuss for industrial and
other situations.
4. Discuss the load leveling procedure adopted by managers to meet the problems
that results from the seasonality.
5. a) Would the LOB technique be more useful to the General Manager (production) or
to a Plant Superintendent? Explain.
b) What are the scheduling problems in Line production?
6. Discuss the factors affecting micro motion study and the mention the advantages
of micro motion study.
7. a) Discuss the importance of productivity and relate it with inflation and standard of
living and employment.
b) Why do employees often resist changes for productivity improvement?
8. Distinguish between Quality, Quality Control and Quality Management with
appropriate examples.
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