Code No: 55
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:60
Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal Marks
1.a) Explain the benefits of Client Server Computing.
b) Explain the pitfalls of Client Server Computing.
2. Explain the details of the statement interface and its two derived interfaces.
3. Explain the multiple interfaces that have the same method name and signature with an example.
4. Explain how the data Sources you can access through ADO.NET.
5. Write a program that the Client and Server Sides of the Servlet Count Program.
The Client is an applet and the Server is a Servlet. The applet runs inside a
NetScape communicator browser, the Servlet runs inside Netscape's Enterprise
Server 3.0.
6. Write a program to illustrate Corba/Java introspection.
7.a) Describe the Introspection of Java Beans.
b) Compare Java Bean and Corba Bean with an example.
8.a) Explain the EJB container Frame work.
b) Explain the Client/Server Development process.
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