Code No: 53
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:60
Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal Marks
1. a) Why is HTML used as front end language ?Explain
b) Write a program to create a home page of your own using HTML tags
2. a) Write a program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius in java script?
b) Compare and contrast between HTML and DHTML
c) Differentiate between internal style sheet and external style sheet
3. a) Write a program which creates a window with yellow background color and message "HOW ARE YOU"
b) Differentiate between AWT controls and Swing controls
4. What is java bean? Explain the properties of java beans with an example
5. a) What is JSDK? Explain its purpose and uses
b) Write a servlet that displays the student information on submitting the roll number the details are stored in a student database
6. a) Explain Jsp application with MVC?
b) Describe about the Tomcat directory structure
7. a) Explain the concept of adding and deleting a cookie from the JSP page
b) Create an application in JSP to redirect the request to any other page
8. Describe how to access a database from a JSP page.
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