Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks : 100

Instruction : (1) Section – I is compulsory.
(2) Answer six full questions choosing any two full questions each from Section II, III and IV.

1. (a) Fill in the blanks :
(i) In serial communication ______ register is used.
(ii) The call instruction is a _______ byte instruction.
(iii) CISC stands for _______ .
(iv _______ interrupt has highest priority in Intel 8085.
(v) 8051 is a ____ bit microcontroller.
(b) Explain TCON Register of 8051.


2. (a) Explain with an example, the different addressing modes of 8085.
(b) Draw the pin diagram of 8085 and explain.
(c) List the instruction set of 8085.

3. (a) With a neat block diagram explain Princeton and Hardvard architecture.
(b) Explain about microcontroller memory types.
(c) Write a note on DPTR.

4. (a) With a neat block diagram explain the architecture of 8051
(b) Give the difference between microcontroller and microprocessor.
(c) List the flags of 8051.


5. (a) Explain with an example about single bit instruction of 8051, and write a program to create a square wave of 50% duty cycle.
(b) Explain IE register of 8051.
(c) How do you double the band-rate of 8051.

6. (a) Define the following.
(i) Linker
(ii) Loader
(iii) Algorithm
(iv) Program
(b) Draw the architecture of 16F7H and explain about working register and memory management unit.
(b) List the applications of PIC.

7. (a) Classify instruction et of 8051 and explain with an example.
(b) Write a program to arrange the block of data in descending order.
(c) Explain about DA A instruction.


8. (a) Explain the different modes of 8255.
(b) Explain how to interface on LED to 8051 and write a programme t make LED ON & OFF continuously by giving some delay.

(c) List the features of USART.
9. (a) Explain how to interface LCD display to 8051 microcontroller.
(b) Draw the pin diagram of 8279 and explain.
(c) Draw the control word format of 8255.

10. (a) Explain how to interface steppermotor to 8051.
(b) Write a program for interfacing steppermotor to 8051.
(c) What is meant by switch debouncing ?

* * * * *

Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100

Instructions :
1. Section – I is compulsory
2. Answer any six full questions choosing two questions each from
Section II, III and IV.


1. (a) Fill in the blanks with appropriate word / words :
(i) At low frequencies the detector used in AC bridges are ______ .
(ii) Digital multimeter has ____ input impedance.
(iii) The output of the inverter is connected to the load in ___ UPS.
(iv) The CRO depends on the movement of an _____ .
(v) Measurement of frequency and phase is done by using _____ produced on a screen.
(b) Explain the operation of UPS with diagram.


2. (a) Derive an expression for the unknown resistance using wheat stone bridge.
(b) Explain briefly about detectors used in bridges.
(c) What are the conditions to be satisfied for balancing bridges ?

3 (a) Explain the operation of three terminal IC Regulator with Block diagram.
(b) Explain the operation of series voltage regulator using transistor.
(c) Write a note on Hot test of power supply unit.

4.(a) Explain the operation of SMPS with diagram.
(b) Explain the operation of zener diode voltage regulator.
(c) Mention the applications of Q-meter.


5. (a) Explain the block diagram of Electronic multimeter.
(b) Mention the advantages of Digital multimeter over Analog multimeter.
(c) List any six specifications of DMM.

6. (a) Explain the block diagram of CRO.
(b) Explain briefly the working of vertical deflection system.
(c) Write a note on measurement of voltage using CRO.

7. (a) Explain the working of storage oscilloscope with diagram.
(b) Explain the measurement of frequency by CRO.
(c) List any three faults and remedies in the DMM.


8. (a) Explain the operation of Function generator with diagram.
(b) Explain briefly about Audio signal generator.
(c) List the differences between pulse and square wave generator.

9. (a) Explain the operation of Heterodyne wave analyzer with diagram.
(b) Explain briefly about spectrum analyzer.
(c) Write a note on trouble shooting procedure for signal generator.

10. (a) Explain the block diagram of logic pulse.
(b) Write a note on safety measures against mechanical hazards.
(c) Mention the applications of logic probe.

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