Code No: 12004
Time: 3hours Max.Marks:60
Answer any Five questions
All questions carry equal Marks
1. Name the various sub systems used in a production system. State the importance of a sub system.
2. Explain the different types of process technologies adopted in manufacturing industries.
3. a) Explain the fixed position layout with an example.
b) Write down the advantages and disadvantages of fixed position layout.
4. Distinguish between:
a) Short term capacity planning and long term capacity planning.
b) Finite capacity planning and infinite capacity planning.
5. a) What are the limitations of an Assignment Problem technique for loading purposes?
b) Under what circumstances can Johnson's Rule be used? How does it bring about optimality?
6. a) What is the purpose of dividing a job into elements?
b) Method studies are mostly, common sense applied systematically. What are these systematic elements?
7. Describe step-by-step the productivity-measurement strategy using the TPM in a
manufacturing or service organization. Illustrate with examples.
8. Distinguish Quality of Design and Quality of performance. What are the factors that affect them?
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