(Fresh +Repeaters Scheme)
Computer fundamentals
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 90
Instruction: Answer all the sections
I. Answer any ten questions. Each question carries two marks (10x2=20)
1. Define a computer.
2. Expand ENIAC and EDVAC
3. Name any four input devices.
4. What is hardware and software?
5. Name the three types of language translators.
6. Define LSB and MSB with an example.
7. What is the use of recycle bin in windows 98?
8. Name any two types of word processors.
9. What is spreadsheet?
10. Define a cell and a Cell address in worksheet.
11. Mention any two advantages of Networks.
12. Give examples of popular search engines.
Answer any five questions. Each question carries five marks (5x5=25)
13. Explain second generation computers.
14. Differentiate between primary and secondary memory.
15. Simplify:
a. Concert decimal (165) to binary number
b. Add (10111) and (10101)
16. Write a flowchart to generate N natural numbers.
17. What are the necessary steps to perform spell and grammar check in MS-Word?
18. Explain the steps to insert a new slide in PowerPoint presentation.
19. Explain LAN and WAN.
20. Explain any two applications of multimedia.
Answer any three questions. Each question carries fifteen marks (13x5=45)
21. Explain the application of computer in different fields. 15
22. a) Explain the various units of a computer with a neat block diagram. 10
b) What are the advantages of high level language? 05
23. a) Explain the advantages of DBMS. 05
b) Explain any three DOS internal commands with syntax and example.10
24. a) Explain the different types of transmission media. 05
b) Explain the use of any five types of statistical used in excel. 10
25. Write short notes on: (5+5+5)
a. Printers
b. Computer security
c. Internet
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