TIME: 3 HOURS Max Marks: 60
1) Answer all questions
2) Draw diagram where necessary
I. Answer all questions 5x2=10
1) Phyllosphere
2) Beijerinckia
3) Impinges
4) List out any four salient features of VAM fungi
5) Eutropication
II. Answer any four questions. 5x4=20
6) Describe vertical cylinder trap.
7) Describe the clinical procedure involved in Allergy testing.
8) Define bioleaching. Describe the process involved in bioleaching of copper.
9) What is a bio geo chemical cycle? Explain sulphur cycle.
10) Explain briefly the cause, symptoms and control measures related to blast disease of rice.
III. Answer any three of the following 3x10=30
11) Describe the causative organism, symptom and control measures involved in Tobacco mosaic disease.
12) Describe the different types of positive interaction involved among microorganism.
13) Name the biological indicators of water pollution. Describe coliform test.
14) Discuss the biohazards in occupational environment related to air.
15) Explain the mechanism involved in symbiotic nitrogen fixation
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