Max. Marks:60
Time: 3 hours
Instruction: Draw diagrams where necessary.
SECTION-A 5x2=10
I. Answer any five of the following
1)Meristem culture
5)Protoplast viability test
6)Synthetic seed
II.Answer any four of the following: 4x5=20
7) Write a note on the intellectual property right and its protection.
8) Explain the significance of in vitro pollination and fertilization.
9) mention the application of organ culture.
10) Comment on the significance of somatic embryogenesis.
11) Write the advantage and disadvantage of edible vaccine.
III.Answer any three of the following : 3x10=30
12) Describe the various aspests techniques used in plant tissue culture.
13) Explain the in vitro methods of haploid plant production.add a note on the significance of haploid plants.
14) Describe the clonal propagation of elite species.
15) Explain the process of transformation in plant using Agarobacterium.
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